Thursday 7 August 2008

The National Portrait Gallery

We had a very cultural day yesterday, visiting London's National Gallery and National Portrait Gallery. The National Gallery is one of my very favourite places to be and I am often guilty of pushing the children's initial enthusiam into tired and whiney boredom by suggesting that we look at just one more painting. A Home Educating Friend had organised an Educational Talk on Medieval Paintings so my husband took my daughter to look at a few favourites and then to run round Trafalgar Square while the boys and I went on the Talk to look at three lovely paintings and learn all about them.
After this, we were pretty tired and, as we're in the middle of a very busy week, I was all for going home. My middle son very much wanted to go to the National Portrait Gallery to see Richard III (whom he believes to be a much maligned victim of Tudor conspiracy) and Oliver Cromwell (whom he despises as the destroyer of Corfe and Pembroke Castles and many stained glass windows.) My eldest was vociferous about his desire to go home. Arriving at the gallery, we were enthuastically greeted by a 'Tour and Draw' guide inviting us to join him. Excusing ourselves on the basis of flagging energy, I asked if he could direct us to the portraits we'd come to see. He kindly took us there himself, as that was the gallery he was going to, and so we ended up joining him at Sir Francis Drake to listen and, it turned out, join in. My daughter was captivated and more than enthusiastic in her questions and answers. Afterwards, the children were encouraged to draw. My middle son went off to another gallery to draw Charles I and my daughter drew Sir Francis. Even my eldest was enticed into putting pencil to paper, which is no mean feat when he's decided not to enjoy something.

Do click on the links, if you haven't yet, to see the originals. I am so proud of these pictures and the careful observations they demonstrate - the stance of both men, Sir Francis's buttons, hat and globe, Charles' legs, boots and beard.
I was surprised and pleased at how we had all been re-energized and motivated. We came home hapy and satisfied after a good day out!

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