Thursday, 14 May 2009

I am beginning to recognise a little voice, coming from somewhere near my gut, that tells me how I really feel about things. I am learning that I have spent a long time ignoring this voice, or dismissing it as silly or lazy. I am learning that if I sit still and really listen, it usually has an answer and I usually respond with a deep sense of "yes, that's right", and sometimes accompanied by a frisson of excitement. Sometimes there is also a sense of fear, that doing what I want may offend, upset or disappoint someone, like cancelling an arrangement which I realise I just don't want to do or haven't got time for, or resigning from a role which I realise I don't enjoy and don't do very well. But I am learning that, as I listen to this voice and as I take what it says more seriously, so I hear it better and beleive it more. Then I can hear it before I agree to something I don't like or take on more that I can manage.

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