Monday 16 June 2008

Sports Day

These are my fantastic children. This post is about them. I wanted to put the picture at the end, but I can't see how to do it. It must be possible: it'll go on my list of 'things to work out how to do'!
A few weeks ago, my middle son told me that he wanted to go to school. This has been an occasional comment in our house over the years and there is always a reason. Once, it was because the teacher would play with him! This time it was because schools had a Sports Day. "We can have a Sports Day," said I, "Why don't you start planning it!" I left the three of them with a sheet of paper scribbling down everyone they'd invite and all the races they wanted to run. I felt rather intimidated by what I'd taken on, but my dear friend Kate begged for the opportunity to be in charge of it (truly, she did!) and with a sigh of relief I handed over the con.
Saturday came around bright and sunny, ( all part of Kate's meticulous planning). She had everything sorted: equipment from the local primary school, certificates for every place in every race and a minute by minute timetable. Altogether fifteen children took part, including my three, another Home Ed friend, families from church and some neighbours. The children had a great time and it was a joy to see their grins, their determination, their cheering and their teamwork.
The adults had a great time, supporting, chatting, chilling in the sunshine and being obstacles in the obstacle race!
I took my camera but completely forgot to take any pictures - Duh!! But I have two images in my mind's eye: my little girl came a spectacular last in the bean bag on the head race but walked the whole way like the Queen on a red carpet, her head held high with the bean bag carefully poised and a shy smile of achievment on her face that she hadn't dropped it.
In the relay race it just so happened that all of my three children were doing a leg at the same time, all three running towards me at the same moment, bright in the sunshine, smiles wide with delight and I thought, "Those are my children, people I brought into the world !" and I was proud and pleased to be their Mum!

1 comment:

Jane D. said...

I am so proud of you Gaynor. I endured my childrens sports day at school (they did both enjoy it) but yours sounds so much more fun!