Saturday 7 February 2009

It's contagious!

My little girl has decided that she would like to knit too, which spurred her biggest brother on to join in. Progress, slow but sure, is being made, with chunky needles and plain wool, but I have visions of peaceful half-hours of us all knitting together. Middle son has graduated to knit-one-purl-one on 4mm needles!
I am also learning a lot: about when to step in and when to step back; about accepting the little mistakes that come along with aquiring a new skill; about ownership and setting one's own standards; about trusting the children to have the same ability that I do to figure it out for themselves; and about when good enough is good enough.

1 comment:

Jane D. said...

Must get my daughter started on this! I brought her knitting needles for her birthday - last March - and have done nothing about it!