Friday 5 September 2008

One Week In

The first week of term is nearly done, except that this week, being the first week of September, isn't because my husband has to go into school tomorrow, and I am tired. After almost two months of school holidays with my husband home, I had forgotten the reality of being with, and trying to meet the needs of, three children all day. In addition, lots of other stuff gets going in September, I have begun the Research Module of a BA in Educational Studies (actually as part of my work as a Breastfeeding Counsellor) and I have taken on a new role at my church. Plus I'm training for a Half-marathon!
But it's been a good week. So much learning happens as if by accident. My little girl indentified a boat as a canoe, much to my suprise. Where had she heard of a canoe? On the Ray Mears DVD apparently. We've discussed the music of Handel having listened to 'The Arrival of the Queen of Sheba' and 'The Water Music' on the radio. We've seen a model of the insides of a horse (introducing the word 'gross' to my daughter's vocabulary!) at the Science Museum and discussed Newton's Laws of Motion following the show on Rockets there (a good excuse, should I need one, to settle down in front of 'Apollo 13' this afternoon). We've chatted about Islam having seen a Mosque from the train window and printed and coloured a number of books from the fab site Enchanted Learning.
The children are tired too: my boys are still in bed as I write this. My eldest son said to me last night that he would like a lie in, and then plenty of time to read today. Sounds good to me!

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