Saturday 19 December 2009

Christmas break

Like some crazy movie, time seems to have sped up in the last week and I have found myself with a to-do list under constant prioritization: what really has to be done? What can wait? The danger is that all those 'can waits' will end up crowding my carefully ring-fenced days next week: vital days of slowing and being, being slow and being together.
Sporadic blogging this week shows that often posting has been one of the things to take the hit. I have to be purposeful, zealous, ruthless even, if I want to let next week be the fun, peaceful, nurturing family time I so much want it to be. It will not happen by accident.
Towards that end, I will pause here, wish you all a peaceful and blessed Christmas, a Happy New Year, and hope that you come back to find me in January.
In the words a friend scribbled in her Christmas card to me just today: "Do nothing: You know it makes sense!"

1 comment:

Jane D. said...

and a very happy Christmas and blessed new year to you as well Gaynor x x x x x