Saturday, 20 February 2010

Half Term

So often I think that this job or that will wait until half-term. My husband is a school teacher and so blessed with plenty of holidays. I think that in these holidays I will be able to catch up on all the stuff I've found hard to fit in, plus have some time to myself, plus he will be able to do a few bits and bobs around the house and, of course, we will have some time out as a family. This is quite a lot to fit in and usually I end up both tired and dissatisfied at the end of his time off. I've planned it better this week and, while I feel that I would like to have got more done, we've had a good balance of the routine and the fun. I've begun clearing the big bed in the front garden and treated myself to a magnolia bush; I've cleared my in-tray, caught up with the paperwork and finally resigned as a Breastfeeding Counsellor (I've been on Time Out for the last year); and we've been to Hampton Court Palace, the cinema and the National Gallery. Today we are off to visit my great-uncle and great-aunt and to an old school friend's pancake party. Not bad for just one week, although it didn't leave much time for blogging!

1 comment:

Jane D. said...

sounds like you had a really good week there x.