Friday 2 October 2009


Yesterday we went to our first rehersal of the newly re-instated Otherwise Choir. Over twenty Home Educating mums and their children met together to sing and to make friends. I love singing. I am not particularly good and I'm never going to win X-factor but I can hold a tune provided it is not too high and too quiet. My eldest threw himself into it with obvious enthusiasm, my middle son is a little more of the 'boys don't sing' school of thought but gave it a go and my little girl enjoyed herself immensely until her concentration span expired. After the singing, the children tore around and the mums had a cup of tea and some conversation. It was great. It was one of those examples of so many needs being met: something 'educational', something for us all to do as a family together, an opportunity for the children to mix and play with friends and time for me to have that most precious of things: a cup of tea and a chat with other mums.

1 comment:

Jean N. said...

is this AnnaLise's (sp?) choir? what a great thing to do -- good for the kids and great for the mums!