Monday 13 April 2009

Not Quite Easter Day

Happy Easter!I meant to post yesterday. I even got as far as switching on the computer and finding a good photo on my 'phone. But there is never quite as long between breakfast and church as I imagine and, just as I was about to tell my daughter that, no, she couldn't wear a dress to the Easter Day service because I didn't have time to help her put on her tights, I remembered why I had taken a blogging break. So, I didn't post. And now it's Monday night. You can be sure that if I had fasted from chocolate, I would not have been so slow!
I truly thought that if I took some time out from blogging, I would be clearer in my own mind why I blog. I know that I worry if I don't blog every day: my husband faithfully reads it at work and would worry, my regular readers, faithful though few, might lose interest, my wider family might miss out on some entertaining activity we have enjoyed. But I have not found an answer. I have been waiting for the Easter break for a long time as an opportunity to slow down a little and figure some things out, but, two weeks after my husband's school holiday started, I am still wondering where each and every day goes.
One thing is becoming clearer: I need to get in touch with what I enjoy, and where God is at work, and be willing to let go of the rest.


Jane D. said...

Amen to these clearer thoughts Gaynor - I am so glad you are back, I missed you terribly!

Jean N. said...

Glad to have you back, Gaynor! Hope your break was helpful. you were missed and it's great so see some new posts again with great photos to boot!