Saturday 27 September 2008

Handmade Homeschool

In response to this post, JoVE suggested I look at Handmade Homeschool. Two posts in particular caught my eye, so clearly exploring the dilemma I, and clearly others, experience: Is the person I am, the mother I am, the educator I am, good enough? In Accepting your mothering type and Loving the mothers we are, she has written eloquently on the need to 'retune our thinking' and to grasp that 'it is important for us to understand that we can’t do and be all the good things in this world.'
This week I have not lived up to my own image of a good mother. I have heard myself yell at the children and speak to them in cutting and sarcastic ways. I have been unkind, impatient and uncompassionate. I find it easy to dwell on this.
However, I have cuddled them, listened to them, kept vigil over my son's knitting stitch-by-stitch, swum with them, discussed any number of subjects with them, read aloud to them and told them how much I love them.
I am not always the mother I would like to be but I would like to learn to love the mother I am.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad that was helpful. Skim through her summer posts for good ones on running, too.

Anonymous said...

Haven't checked in for a couple of weeks due to the hurricane recovery here in Houston. Have missed reading your blog and it's fun to catch up. You are constantly voicing things I think myself. Love reading your thoughts. Happy belated birthday!